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Choosing The Right Sensory Chew
If your child is a biter who chews on clothes and pencil tops, then have you considered a sensory chew?
Chewies, in the form of necklaces and bracelets can be found in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures. They are suitable for every age, type of chewer and gender.
Age appropriate
Did you select an age appropriate chewy? For younger children (under 3) it is best to have a solid teether or something that a parent can wear to maintain close supervision.
The goal is to eliminate any choking hazard during chewing and oral exploration.
The Chewbuddy Stickman is great for younger children and mild chewers because they encourage oral motor exploration with a soft texture.
Older children may prefer a wearable chew like the Chewbuddy Disc or Bangle which are discreet as well as being effective.
Teens, adults and more aggressive biters may enjoy heavier options like the Chewbuddy Super.
Inspect regularly
Whether the child is younger or older, it is wise to inspect the chewy regularly for wear and tear.
If cracks or weaknesses are noted, discard and replace the chewy.
Chewies can last a long time but this depends on the biting habits of the chewer and the durability of the materials.
Not all chewies are made the same.
Be sure you have purchased a chewy from a reputable company that tests products for compliance.
Ours, for example, don't include phthalates or BPA.
When tubing is part of the chewy, medical grade tubing is best.
Our Chewbuddies are CE marked and made from medical grade material.
Wash regularly
Chewies should be washed with antibacterial soap and water after each use and left to air dry.
Some chewies (such as the Chewbuddy) are dishwasher safe on the top rack – check the care instructions.
Quick release
A chewy necklace should be large enough to be easily removed or have a breakaway clasp that pops open easily.
There are many styles of chewy necklaces and it really just depends on your child’s preference as to which one you choose.
Remember that safety is of the utmost importance and there is no protection like a watchful parent!
Adapted with kind permission from an original article by Ilana Danneman of